
Showing posts from December, 2021

Welcome to Taiwan

 Do you ever just stop, look around, and think, what on earth did I do to deserve this? That has been life for the past few days as I settle into a new country amidst a pandemic. I am filled with with pure bliss and euphoria.  How this is real life?  I ask myself repeatedly. As I write, I rest on the most comfortable bed I have ever laid on, my eyes periodically glancing out onto the bustling streets of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Although I yearn to go explore my new surroundings, I must undergo a 14 day quarantine at a local hotel. I live all the way up in Room 812 where I am treated like a royal. Snacks fill my room, from chips to fruit to drinks. Every morning, I wake up to find milk tea or soy milk resting outside my door alongside some type of breakfast. I eat my meal, watch some TV, and simply wait for lunch to roll around. Once again, at noon, the doorbell rings and a meal is sitting outside my door. If the meal is not sufficient, I can use a delivery service such as Hello Panda to brin